GET /tools/steam/{steam_id}/sharing?app_id=

This route will allow you to find out if a user is family sharing. It calls the Steam API with the inputted values and that will check if the user you're looking for is family sharing.

If nothing comes back it will be empty. However if the family sharer is returned true it will come back with the lenders steam id, that way you got both the user who is using the family sharing and the user who was family sharing them.

Example with no family sharing

Request Payload: GET https://freya.test/api/v1/tools/steam/76561198074425791/sharing?app_id=426000

Response: 200 OK

  "data": []

Example with family sharing

Now I've gotten on a game that someone is lending me, if we check my SteamID and the app_id I'm playing it will return my SteamID because I'm using a lended copy of the game. Also no I'm not ashamed of the game I'm playing, it was the fastest one I could download.

Request Payload: GET https://freya.test/api/v1/tools/steam/76561198074425791/sharing?app_id=426000

Response: 200 OK

  "data": [

That SteamID there is the person who has lended me that game.